Paul Russo
Lab Director
Contact Info:
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
801 Ferst Drive (MRDC 3508)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332 USA
Office Phone: 404-385-2607
Cell phone: 225-588-8104
Fax Number: 404-894-9140
B.S., University of Wisconsin – River Falls
PhD., University of Minnesota
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Paul L. Balding
Alumni GT
B.S., (Hons) International Science, University of Wollongong, Australia
Research Interests:
The synthesis of polyelectrolytes via ATRP and their characterization by various microscopic, spectroscopic and scattering techniques. The study of polyelectrolyte dynamics in solution using a fluorescence photobleaching recovery method
Painting rainbows and unicorns, long walks on the beach, and occasional Nicaraguan escapades
Alyssa Blake
Alumni GT
B.S. (Hon.), Biochemistry, Mercyhurst University

Bailey Risteen
B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia

Graham Parkinson
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

Xujun Zhang
B.S., Applied Chemistry, Shanghai University, China

Drew Gorman
B.S., Dept. Physics, University of Tennessee
Rachel Borrelli
Elsa Samantaray
David (Mac) Thompson
Ron Volkovinski
Cornelia Rosu
Postdoc 2014 – 2016 (co-advised with Elsa Reichmanis)
Jinxin Fu
Postdoc 2014 – 2016 (co-advised with Mohan Srinivasarao)
Optical properties of liquid crystals, differential dynamic microscop
Jessica Stelzel
Alumni GT
Undergraduate Students
Professor Russo only accepts graduate students in partnership with other professors, who are in a lead role.
Alumni (LSU)
Let me think…..MS & PhD: Mark Delong, Mazidah Mustafa, Debbie Tipton, Daewon Sohn, Keunok Yu, Lucille Smith-Wright, Randy Cush, Brian Fong, Nadia Edwin, Elena Temyanko, Mike Baylis, Sibel Turksen, Erick Soto-Cantu, Jian-hong Qiu, Cornelia Rosu, Melissa Collins, Wayne Huberty, Derek Dorman, Garrett Doucet and Zimei Bu …who have I missed?